Pulled: A Catalog of Screen Printing
Author: Mike Perry
Publishers: Princeton Architectural Press

What?... no it's not about dating it's about screen printing and its importance as a medium.
Mike Perry paint eater and author of this wicked publication,
takes us on a roller-coaster ride to what is screen printing. We weave,
duck and dive in all directions leaving no elements of this artistic
discipline untouched. It starts at the how to, an informative
diagram of preparation, leading to the finished product and even to the
clean- up, the scraping and disposal of inks etc.
Some of us in the Collective office wanted more of an insight into the
intricacies of screen art and this book more than stimulated the need
for us do more Pulling of our own.
With a lavish 250 pages and a myriad of printing examples - all in full
colour (unless their printed in B and W of course) this title lives up
to it's expectations of a quality read!
More than 40 artists expose their works, these include:
Aesthetic Apparatus
Deanne Cheuk
Steven Harrington
Maya Hayuk
Cody Hudson
Jeremy Ville
Andy Mueller
Andy Smith
... and yes, we could go on but we want to leave you to explore☋
A great Preface from Mike goes like this:
" The first time I pulled a screen print was in college. At that point, I
had no idea what the term screen printing meant or how the countless
posters I'd seen around school were made, but I knew I wanted to learn
more. I signed up up for a class and fell in love instantly.
Studying graphic design, I'd felt like I was forever designing mock-ups
and suddenly there I was, making something. I remember particularly the
first time I printed a t-shirt. I designed, printed and heat-set the
shirt before wearing it out that night. Printing that shirt evoked the
same childlike sense of wonder I'd experienced making my first iron-on t
shirt except, this time I was the sole creator."
RDC: And we'd just like to add, the book smells good too.
☀Ok, follow us inside to explore the inner workings...
Mike Perry... bigger spoon please!
☀A big thank you to Derby University for allowing us to use their magnificent studios as a setting for the photo shoot.
If you are mesmerised with this read, like we are, go on the Logo to glean more.