June 11 Edition

Woop...Juxtapoz has hit the stands and with a devil ridin a surf board on the cover, the mind
boggles as to what's happening inside...lets take a look.
The cover 'Surf or Die' by Don Ed Hardy is one of the artists featured in the mag, along with The History of American Graffiti (the title we reviewed not so long ago), Sage Vaughn, Marnie Weber, Bread and Puppet and much more...
Graffiti Revolution: The making of The American Graffiti.
Jux talks to Roger Gastman and Caleb Neelon about the compiling of the book and amount of memorabilia they had to wade through to get to the end product, an interesting read especially if you have seen how thick the book is. Take a look at our review at the bottom this post.
Marnie Weber: An exploration of her art, collage, music, stage performance and her belief in ghosts
We also noticed they have a "Background" box as a new feature with their interviews.
Full of the multi-coloured style and charisma that we've come to expect from Jux, it doesn't disappoint!

The History of American Graffiti Review...Here.
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